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Addiction very often goes hand in hand with “co-occurring disorders” like chronic pain and mood disorders. For example, alcoholism and depression often co-occur, but until only very recently, treating both

“Today, I am officially declaring e-cigarette use among youth an epidemic in the United States,” the U.S. Surgeon General, Dr. Jerome Adams, tweeted on Tuesday, December 18. He was responding

The latest scientific research shows that addiction is a chronic, relapsing disease characterized by isolation—that empty, disconnected mental and psychological condition that gives birth to a variety of unhealthy behaviors.

Substance abuse is rampant in the United States, producing an economic burden that overshadows any other neurological disorder. Recent statistics implicate substance abuse in a total cost of $820 billion

Addiction is a rapidly expanding universe filled with misconceptions and seldom understood by those outside its gravitational pull. Friends and family of people addicted to various substances are often mystified

Last month researchers at Rutgers University cracked a code in their effort to demystify how addiction affects the brain, and their discovery may lead to more new medications for cocaine

A strong, positive network of support from family, friends, and the community at large is critical to recovery. Without a sufficient support network, someone struggling with isolation—a defining characteristic of

Last week, the U.S. Senate successfully passed the “Opioid Crisis Response Act”— a wide-ranging set of bills that contains many of the same recommendations of the President’s Commission on Combating