Beach House Joins Restoration Bridge In Community Outreach Effort
The latest scientific research shows that addiction is a chronic, relapsing disease characterized by isolation—that empty, disconnected mental and psychological condition that gives birth to a variety of unhealthy behaviors. A critical component of recovery includes healthy community involvement, a process which has been proven to deepen spirituality and lessen the anxiety and depression associated with chronic substance abuse.
Beginning October 22nd, Beach House proudly paired with Restoration Bridge in a week-long, pre-Halloween community outreach effort. Restoration Bridge International has humble origins, beginning in 1986 as a small selection of canned goods and a pantry closet. The non-profit organization was later incorporated in 2005 as a public charity and continues to flourish in Palm Beach County.
As part of its steadily growing mission, Restoration Bridge continues to provide food for thousands of hungry, economically challenged people emphasizing vulnerable populations including children, single parents, veterans, senior citizens, disabled individuals and the homeless. The agency aptly summarizes its faith-based efforts with the following passage gleaned from the Isaiah 58:10, “Feed the hungry, and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the darkness and the darkness around you will be as bright as the moon”
Inspired by a shared mission of serving those in need, Beach House joined Restoration Bridge’s ongoing food drive by providing several dozen employees and alumni as part of a mobile team. In tandem with Restoration Bridge employees and volunteers, Beach House participants helped organize the main food storage warehouse, drive trucks to and from various stores including Costco, Walmart, Trader Joe’s, etc., and separate donated food items into appropriate categories.
The event was a monumental success, prompting several alumni to continue participating on a long-term basis and furthering the charitable causes central to both organizations. In a world where every mouth deserves to be fed, and every person free from the debilitating effects of addiction, Beach House would like to publicly thank Restoration Bridge and show appreciation for their mission by continuing to support its cause.