Beach House Center for Recovery provides holistic and compassionate therapies for addictions. With an experienced and caring team of medical clinicians, psychiatric providers, and addiction therapists, we support patients throughout their recovery journeys.
Providing a world-class patient experience and successful long-term outcomes in addiction therapy are among our top priorities as a center for clinical excellence. We achieve this objective at Beach House by emphasizing a positive therapeutic alliance.
What Is a Therapeutic Alliance?
An integral aspect of our approach to addiction therapy is establishing a therapeutic alliance.
Also known as a collaborative relationship, this alliance between the patient and the primary therapist creates and nurtures an effective and productive partnership.
Throughout their addiction therapy, patients can better understand both the processes and objectives of each stage of treatment, which leads to superior, long-term recovery outcomes.
The therapeutic alliance significantly predicts positive treatment outcomes—regardless of the treatment modality.
At Beach House, we employ numerous proven therapeutic interventions in our customizable and evidence-based continuum of care.
Our patient-focused approach allows individuals in our care to participate in their recovery actively and mindfully alongside their therapists for addiction.
A Full Picture of Our Specialized Addiction Therapy Programs
Dual diagnosis treatment addresses substance use disorders that overlap with other mental illnesses like anxiety, mood, and post-traumatic stress disorders.
A dual diagnosis treatment approach uses a combination of medication and behavioral therapies to help people manage both illnesses.
Medication-assisted treatment significantly reduces physical withdrawal symptoms, including nausea, pain, and substance cravings, when used with a comprehensive addiction care plan.
MAT allows patients to engage fully in their therapy for addictions without intense withdrawal discomfort.
At Beach House, we recognize the numerous issues that can contribute to substance use disorder.
Our custom treatment programs include care that addresses the many gender-based concerns that affect patients’ emotional well-being and relationships with substances.
We offer gender-specific treatment approaches within our co-ed campus setting, allowing patients to receive compassionate therapy for addiction while interacting with a diverse community of same-gender peers safely and productively.
Beach House offers one-on-one counseling run by therapists for addiction that helps patients address their emotional challenges related to their substance use disorder.
Individual addiction therapy provides a safe space where patients can identify and address the issues that trigger substance misuse and addictive behaviors.
CBT is a widely used psychotherapy method that addresses various mental health challenges, including substance use disorders. It emphasizes identifying and replacing unhealthy thought patterns and behaviors with healthier alternatives.
At Beach House Center for Recovery, we enhance CBT with relaxation strategies, distraction techniques, and imagery to help individuals develop practical coping skills.
Motivational interviewing is a counseling approach that helps people make positive life changes by leveraging personal strengths and resources. It fosters a supportive environment for individuals to explore and address their uncertainty about addiction treatment.
This evidence-based therapy is particularly effective for those reluctant to change their behaviors or begin treatment.
Integrated trauma treatment combines integrative and clinical strategies to minimize trauma symptoms.
Individual and group therapies provide a safe, supportive space for addressing past issues.
Addiction therapy and treatment modalities for substance abuse include cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), motivational interviewing (MI), and trauma resolution.
Daily on-site 12-Step meetings at Beach House help deal with recovery’s physical, spiritual, and mental challenges.
After completing initial addiction therapy, we encourage participation and sponsorship in Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, or any other 12-Step program a patient may personally connect with.
More than 400 recovery meetings are held daily within 15 miles of Beach House.
Pursuing active recovery after treatment can be enormously helpful with a 12-Step model.
Substance use disorders affect entire families.
Family members often take on various new roles to cope with and compensate for the addiction to maintain equilibrium.
We help families during their loved one’s addiction therapy through our Wellness Program.
Family support empowers patients and their loved ones with the tools they need to pursue their health and wellness goals.
When patients finish their addict therapy and treatment programs and return to independent living, they will need the necessary skills to navigate circumstances that might trigger a return to substance use.
Beach House offers relapse prevention programs that help patients recognize and manage potentially harmful triggers, including post-addiction withdrawal syndrome (PAWS), stressful situations, or unhealthy family/relationship dynamics.
Relapse prevention offers strategies, techniques, and resources that help patients successfully manage the impulse to reuse.
Biosound therapy is a unique approach that employs biofeedback techniques to encourage profound physical relaxation.
This treatment modality helps patients regulate the psychological processes that cause physical symptoms of addiction. It is particularly beneficial for coping with anxiety and depression as part of their addict therapy plan.
Life skills training will increase the chances of long-term addiction recovery.
At Beach House, we conduct workshops and classes teaching essential skills that help patients manage their lives effectively once they return to independent living.
Our Approach to Therapy for Addiction
At Beach House Center for Recovery, we take a comprehensive and personalized approach to therapy for addiction, recognizing that every individual’s journey is unique.
Our team of experienced addiction therapists provides top-notch care that addresses the diverse needs of those seeking personalized, long-term recovery. With a focus on therapy for addiction, our programs are designed to guide individuals toward lasting healing and transformation in all aspects of their lives.
We understand the complexities of addiction and its challenges, which is why our therapy is tailored to meet each person’s specific circumstances. Whether it’s individual counseling, group therapy, or family sessions, our addiction therapists utilize evidence-based techniques to address the root causes of addiction and develop effective strategies for recovery.
At Beach House, we believe that addict therapy should be a collaborative and empowering process. We work closely with clients to create a therapeutic environment that promotes trust, empathy, and understanding. Focusing on holistic well-being, we offer therapy for addictions that goes beyond the surface, delving into recovery’s emotional, psychological, and physical aspects. We guide individuals on self-discovery, self-empowerment, and sustainable sobriety through individualized treatment plans and supportive group sessions.
Contact us to learn more about us or get the help you need for substance use disorder for your or a loved one today. We are here for you every step of the way.