Mental Health Disorders We Treat

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Beach House Rehab Center
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Beach House Center for Recovery is one of Florida’s the most respected mental health treatment centers. We specialize in adult mental health—helping people successfully manage their addiction and mental health disorders for long-term recovery.

If you or a loved one are living with unmanaged mental health issues or behavioral disorders, we are here to help. 

Backed by mental health clinicians, addiction specialists, and psychiatric providers, Beach House offers expert, intensive intervention for people seeking freedom from addiction and mental health challenges. 

Please continue reading to learn more about mental health disorders and our mental health rehabilitation center in Florida.

The Most Common Mental Health Disorders

Exploring various types of mental health disorders is essential for understanding the complex landscape of mental well-being. 

At Beach House, our mental health rehabilitation center helps individuals gain essential skills and strategies to manage and overcome several mental health disorders.

The top mental health disorders include:

Anxiety disorders affect approximately 3 million people in the United States.

Anxiety disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, and panic disorder, are highly prevalent. These conditions involve excessive worry, fear, and often physical anxiety symptoms.

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurological condition characterized by difficulty focusing, sitting still, retaining information, and managing impulses. 

An estimated 25% of people who seek treatment for substance use disorders also struggle with ADHD.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterized by recurring episodes of intrusive, irrational beliefs and worries (obsessions) that trigger repetitive actions (compulsions). 

People with OCD commit compulsive acts to minimize intrusive thoughts, but ritualistic behaviors recur.

Often referred to as “depression,” depressive disorders are a class of mood disorders characterized by despair, persistent negative thoughts and behaviors.

While occasional sadness or grief is common and not considered a clinical abnormality, depressive disorders are experienced unrelentingly, often for weeks or years. 

Severe depressive disorders can exacerbate substance use disorder, cause the urge to self-harm, and lead to suicidal behaviors.

Bipolar disorder is a debilitating, chronic psychiatric disorder defined by abrupt and severe mood changes and energy fluctuations. 

Not managed effectively bipolar disorder can significantly impede work performance and interfere with personal relationships. 

An estimated 30% of people with bipolar disorder will develop a co-occurring substance use disorder, complicating the diagnosis and treatment process.

A personality disorder is a condition causing distorted and inflexible thoughts and behaviors. 

People with personality disorders struggle to understand people and circumstances and often assign blame for their personal and professional difficulties. 

Although it is possible to experience signs and symptoms of a single type of personality disorder, the symptoms often overlap, and several personality disorders can coexist.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a psychological condition brought on by experiencing or witnessing a highly traumatic event. 

Symptoms typically include recurring memories of the event, nightmares, and anxiety.

What is a Mental Health Disorder?

A mental health disorder, also known as a mental illness or psychiatric disorder, refers to a wide range of conditions that affect a person’s thoughts, emotions, behavior, and overall mental well-being. 

All mental health disorders are characterized by clinically significant disruptions in cognition, emotional regulation, or behavior. 

These disorders can vary in severity and duration and can interfere with a person’s ability to function effectively in their daily life.

A few factors that may increase your risk of developing a mental health condition include:

  • Trauma
  • Family history
  • Environmental threats (e.g., air pollution)
  • Biology and brain chemistry
  • Unhealthy lifestyle habits

It’s important to note that a direct tie exists between mental health and addictions to alcohol, drugs, and other unhealthy substances. 

A mental health disorder can manifest in various ways with numerous diagnostic outcomes. Below, we provide a comprehensive list of mental health disorders for a better understanding. 

Is Substance Abuse a Mental Health Disorder?

According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, a widely recognized classification system used by mental health professionals for diagnosing and categorizing mental health conditions, substance use disorder (SUD), is classified as a mental health disorder due to its profound impact on brain function and behavior. 

SUD encompasses a range of problematic behaviors and symptoms related to substance misuse, such as alcohol, drugs, and prescription medications. 

These behaviors may include cravings, a loss of control over substance use, continued use despite adverse consequences, and withdrawal symptoms when not using the substance. 

SUD can have severe physical, psychological, and social consequences, and it often co-occurs with other mental health disorders, making treatment and intervention critical for individuals affected by it.

It’s essential to recognize that substance abuse or addiction is not solely a behavioral issue but also involves changes in brain chemistry and function, which is why it is categorized as a mental health disorder. 

If you or a loved one is struggling with an SUD and/or a mental health disorder, consider our mental health rehabilitation center for inpatient treatments and therapies. You can reclaim your life. We can help.

The Links Between Mental Health and Addictions

We recognize the intricate connections between mental health and addiction. Our approach to mental health and rehab for SUDs integrates specialized care for both.

Several factors contribute to the co-occurrence of mental health disorders and addiction, including:

  • Self-Medication
Some people with mental health issues may use substances as a form of self-medication to temporarily alleviate symptoms. They may find that alcohol or drugs temporarily relieve anxiety, depression, or other emotional distress. However, this self-medication often leads to a cycle of addiction and worsening mental health.
  • Biological Factors
Shared biological and genetic vulnerabilities may increase the risk of mental health and substance use disorders. For example, alterations in brain chemistry can predispose individuals to both conditions.
  • Environmental Factors
Environmental stressors and trauma can contribute to developing mental health and addiction issues. Experiencing trauma, abuse, or chronic stress can increase the risk of both conditions.
  • Neurochemical Changes
Substance use can change the brain’s chemistry and function. These changes can affect mood, cognition, and behavior, potentially exacerbating existing mental health problems or developing new ones.
  • Withdrawal Symptoms
When individuals with substance use disorders try to quit or reduce their substance use, they often experience withdrawal symptoms, including mood swings, anxiety, and depression. These symptoms can mimic or exacerbate existing mental health conditions.
  • Social Isolation
Both mental health issues and addiction can contribute to social isolation and difficulty maintaining healthy relationships. Social isolation can, in turn, worsen mental health problems and fuel addiction.

It’s important to understand that substance abuse is not solely a behavioral issue but also involves changes in brain chemistry and function, which is why it is categorized as a mental health disorder. 

Recognizing these links is important. Individuals with co-occurring disorders may face unique challenges in accessing appropriate care and achieving recovery.  Co-occurring disorders, also known as dual diagnosis, often interact in complex ways, presenting unique challenges for diagnosis, treatment, and recovery.

Unique Challenges for Those With Co-Occurring Disorders

Recognizing the unique challenges of those with co-occurring disorders is crucial for developing effective strategies that support them and help them achieve sustained recovery.

Here are some of the key challenges individuals with co-occurring disorders may face:

  • Complex diagnosis—Symptoms of one disorder may mimic or mask symptoms of the other.
  • Integrated treatment needs—Both conditions must be addressed simultaneously to ensure comprehensive care, better health outcomes, and a lower risk of relapse.
  • Care coordination—Multidisciplinary care is required to treat both disorders concurrently.
  • Higher risk behaviors—Comprehensive and specialized interventions are necessary to support those with co-occurring disorders as they have higher rates of risky behaviors (e.g., self-harm, violence, suicide attempts, etc.)

Our inpatient rehabilitation for mental health provides a structured environment for individuals to receive compassionate, individualized, and integrated therapeutic support.

This environment ensures our clinicians provide specialized treatment for underlying mental health issues while addressing substance use disorders simultaneously.

In our mental health rehabilitation inpatient programs, our clients benefit from 24/7 care, guidance, and access to a multidisciplinary team of professionals. This ensures holistic treatments that address their unique medical, mental, physical, and emotional needs.

We also offer outpatient services for those transitioning from our inpatient rehabilitation programs. These services provide continued support as individuals reintegrate into their daily lives.

Our Florida Mental Health Rehabilitation Center

Beach House Center for Recovery offers comprehensive, evidence-backed treatment for those with substance use disorders and mental health conditions. 

We recognize it is highly unusual for people to struggle with only a single mental health issue without experiencing overlapping difficulties, such as substance use.

Mental health disorders and addiction exacerbate each other, creating patterns of destructive behavior and cycles of substance misuse. Engaging in addiction behaviors or substance misuse significantly worsens mental health, and deteriorating mental health leads to a greater dependence on mood-altering substances.

At Beach House, we offer the following inpatient rehab and mental health programs for those with co-occurring disorders:

  • Dual Diagnosis
  • Integrated Trauma Treatment
  • Treatment for Psychiatric Disorders

Treatment for the underlying mental health disorder is the only way to break the cycle of addiction. At Beach House, we provide dedicated mental health treatment and support alongside a licensed mental health counselor in Florida for all mental health diagnoses. 

Effective Treatment for Mental Health and Addictions in Florida

At Beach House

Beach House Center for Recovery provides outpatient and inpatient rehab for mental health. Our evidence-based programs are also designed to help those experiencing patterns of addiction exacerbated by mental health disorders. 

Our compassionate mental health clinicians, addiction specialists, and psychiatric providers work with patients to develop the right combination of therapeutic interventions for their unique symptoms, needs, and addiction patterns.

Please contact our experienced admissions counselors to learn more about our mental illness rehab program and to start your road to recovery sooner. 

Support group comforting individual