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Beach House Recovery Center » Blog » How to Cleanse Your Liver From Alcohol
Liver toxicity, or cirrhosis of the liver, is a serious consequence of heavy alcohol consumption. Cirrhosis related to alcohol use used to be considered an older person’s disease, something that occurred after 30 years of heavy drinking, but research shows that today the problems are happening to those in their 20s and 30s. Clearly, drinking too much and too often is bad for your health, especially your liver, not to mention the risk of addiction and other negative medical, psychological, social and legal problems. Getting your liver in better shape is a smart strategy, though, so here are some suggestions on how to cleanse your liver from alcohol.
In human physiology, the liver is a body organ that is not only hardworking and necessary for life, it’s also remarkably resilient. Both the liver and the kidneys are generally very efficient in filtering toxins from the body. The liver also has the capability of regenerating its damaged parts. Still, abuse of the liver – mainly caused by excessive alcohol use – can lead to serious consequences, including cirrhosis of the liver.
As with most any recommendation to live a healthier lifestyle, some of the practical advice on how to cleanse your liver from alcohol involves commonsense practices. Dr. Sandra Cabot, in her book, The Liver Cleansing Diet: Love Your Liver and Live Longer, lists 12 principles vital to improving liver functioning. Briefly, these include:
Certain foods have known ability to help cleanse the liver. Be sure to add these to your daily diet if you’re interested in how to cleanse your liver from alcohol and detoxify your body from drugs.
Algae and seaweeds may also be helpful in detoxifying the body from alcohol and drugs.
Maybe you’re already past the point of trying to maintain a healthy liver, due to chronic heavy drinking. You may need alcohol detox Florida. On the other hand, how do you know if your liver is damaged from alcohol? Signs of liver toxicity are pretty specific, although some can be characteristic of other medical conditions or diseases as well. According to the Mayo Clinic, common signs of liver damage include:
Liver disease, specifically toxic hepatitis, can be caused by a number of substances. Liver toxicity happens when the liver becomes inflamed due to exposure to a substance that is toxic. Certain medications, such as acetaminophen (including Tylenol and other over-the-counter (OTC) medications with acetaminophen), can eventually cause liver failure. Taking too much acetaminophen (an acetaminophen overdose), such as when a child accesses the medication and takes it, requires immediate medical care.
In its normal functioning, the liver removes and breaks down most of the medications, drugs and chemicals in the bloodstream. But the process of breaking down toxins can create byproducts that damage the liver. Even though the human liver is remarkably regenerative, nonstop exposure to toxic substances may lead to serious and irreversible harm.
The following substances can cause toxic hepatitis:
Of all the diseases afflicting humans, liver disease is among those that are preventable. If not totally, at least preventable in the sense that you limit or reduce the risk of liver damage. Medical experts recommend taking the following precautions:
While your intent may be to cleanse your liver from alcohol, be wary of product claims or remedies that promise quick results with liver cleanses. Some of these solutions to cleanse your liver from alcohol may be worthless or dangerous, and there’s little clinical evidence to support their efficacy and safety. Discuss any proposed liver cleanse with your doctor so you know the potential side effects before you embark on the cleanse.
What kind of dangers could liver cleanses pose? According to experts, the risks include allergic reaction, blockages, dehydration, and overdose. Since many purported liver cleanses involve taking a number of ingredients and drinking great quantities of water, dehydration is a possible side effect. That’s because the fluids and, in some cases, the cleanse ingredient of Epsom salts, cause increased urination and bowel movements, which result in dehydration. Lightheadedness, nausea, and irritability are signs of dehydration. In addition, you may wind up taking ingredients that you’re allergic to, which can produce an allergic reaction. Plus, blockages from expelled gallstones (actually pellets of cholesterol) can wreak havoc, causing sudden and severe pain if they become lodged in some parts of the body. Furthermore, there’s also the risk of toxic overdose from large amounts of Epsom salts. lists symptoms of an Epsom salt overdose that include low blood pressure, muscle weakness, vomiting, coma, and death.
As noted in an article in Consumer Reports, the risk of drug side effects increases with age. Factors such as weight gain and holding less water contribute to increased drug potency, and associated effects on the body. What happens is that key organs, such as the liver and kidneys, start to function more slowly. Older adults, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), are twice as likely to experience an adverse drug event necessitating a trip to the emergency room and seven times likelier to be hospitalized as a result than younger adults.
For more about alcohol addiction, withdrawal and recovery, check out these articles:
After Alcohol Detox: Support Your Recovery With Nutraceuticals
Am I Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Does My Loved One Need Alcohol Rehab?
Using Algae and Seaweeds to Restore the Body From Alcohol Abuse
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