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Beach House Rehab Center » Blog » Using Algae and Seaweeds to Restore the Body from Alcohol Abuse
What if there was a single food that could repair your brain, liver and nervous system from alcohol abuse? What if there was a food that could regenerate and restore the damage caused to all of the bodily systems? There is such a miracle food, and it’s readily available, too: sea vegetables—also known as algae and seaweeds. They are among the most nutrient dense and surprisingly under-used food, yet they also can restore the body from alcohol abuse in seemingly miraculous ways.
Algae and seaweeds are sea vegetables that can come from salt or fresh waters. They are considered one of the healthiest foods on the planet, and their nutritional value and medicinal benefits are astounding. There are thousands of species ranging from the single-celled microscopic to those the size of giant kelp.
Seaweeds are typically larger sea vegetables with roots, stems or leaves. They are classified as algae and there are more than 30 commonly eaten varieties. You may be more familiar with names such as kelp, dulse, wakame, kombu and nori. The more well-known microscopic algae without roots, stems or leaves are chlorella, spirulina and blue-green phytoplankton.
More than any other food on earth, these luscious sea veggies offer the broadest range of minerals. Also rich in essential amino acids, algae are the most potent form of protein on earth. They’re high in vitamins, fiber, chlorophyll and antioxidants, and are one of the highest vegetarian sources of omega-3 fatty acids.
There are many delicious recipes for cooking with sea veggies. By sprinkling them on as a seasoning, you can easily supplement your usual foods. They are also available in capsule form or a loose powder.
Here is what author Dr. Bernard Jensen, a nutrition expert with over 60 years of clinical experience, says about the countless health benefits of consuming algae regularly: Alga, according to Jensen, “assists in the repair of damaged genetic material in human cells, protecting our health and slowing down the aging process … When our DNA and RNA are in good repair and are able to function most efficiently, our bodies get rid of toxins and avoid disease. Cells are able to repair themselves and the energy level and vitality of the whole body is raised.”
Heavy alcohol use causes substantial nutritional deficiencies. When cells don’t have enough food nutrients, they cannot efficiently neutralize and excrete toxins or repair their damaging effects. Chronic nutritional depletion causes cells to accumulate all sorts of environmental toxins. These can include the fertilizers and pesticides in non-organic foods, food preservatives and additives, as well as the heavy metal mercury in seafood and various poisonous chemicals found in many personal hygiene products (lotions, deodorant, makeup, cologne, etc.). Algae can nourish, detoxify and restore the body’s cells, thereby correcting these nutritional deficiencies.
More specifically, sea vegetables can do the following for physical recovery from alcohol abuse:
If you’re recovering from alcohol abuse, the following short health quiz can help you know whether you might benefit from adding algae and seaweed to your diet:
Are any of the following common symptoms from alcohol abuse weighing you down?
If you answered “yes” to any of these, you may benefit from daily supplementation with algae.
The healing properties of algae are extensive. These are some of the ways algae works to heal the body from common illnesses:
Clearly, algae are a wonderful alternative for anyone serious about strengthening and restoring their body from the inside out.
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