Category: Alcohol-Related Articles

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Alcohol poisoning is a life-threatening condition that occurs when a person consumes excessive amounts of alcohol in a short period. According to the CDC, in the United States alone, alcohol

Alcohol’s socially acceptable prevalence in American culture can make it easy to forget how dangerous it is. Not only is it an addictive substance, but it can also cause severe

More than half of motor vehicle accidents are due to someone’s driving while impaired. In high-speed traffic, a moment’s distraction can mean the difference between a near miss and a

Alcohol withdrawal is far more dangerous than “cold turkey” opiate withdrawal. Even before the pandemic stresses of 2020–2021 triggered a surge in overall drug-related fatalities, over 800 deaths in a

Alcohol has become so culturally acceptable in various everyday settings that we often forget it’s a drug with potentially dangerous health consequences. While some people have no problem knowing their

Although most people equate a “black out” with losing consciousness, the term has a different meaning in addiction medicine. If someone passes out—collapses and loses consciousness—while drinking alcohol, that’s a

Many people can have an occasional glass of wine at dinner or a beer at a social function without losing control. However, for those who are predisposed to addictive behavior,

It’s a common misconception that alcohol isn’t as dangerous as other, “harder” intoxicants. Drinking is prevalent in many American households, and our culture has normalized the idea of having a

If you’ve become over-reliant on alcohol to help you relax, fall asleep or manage complicated emotions, you might be wondering if you can stop drinking at home. Though the idea

According to the National Institutes of Mental Health, as many as 19.1% of people have experienced any form of anxiety disorder within the last year, making it one of our

Frequent alcohol use interferes with many of your body’s organs and functions, and your hormones are no exception. Hormones are the chemicals responsible for conducting the complex interplay of bodily

  WHO: Don’t Drink During COVID-19 In a statement issued this week, the World Health Organization cautioned the public against consuming alcohol during the novel coronavirus pandemic. After previously calling

Most people are aware that drinking can cause severe health problems over the long term, including organ and tissue damage, mental health disorders and malnutrition. However, you may not have

You’ve probably heard phrases like “high-functioning addict” and “problem drinkers” before, and wondered if your drinking habits would classify you in one of these categories. The confusion lies in the

Many people who consume alcohol regularly secretly wonder if they are an alcoholic.   Although many people experience alcohol-related problems or concerns, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they are an alcoholic.

Many people know alcohol as a common aspect of recreation or relaxation. Whether we enjoy a glass of wine or a bottle of beer at the end of a long

Alcoholism is a complex addiction that can affect every aspect of an individual’s life, including their employment, family, friends, school, and their involvement in their community. According to the National

Have you ever wondered how to change your life for the better? Changing your life for the better can be challenging for any individual to undertake, especially on their own.

As the loved one or friend of a user, it can be challenging to support them without falling into enabling them. An enabler, in a general sense, can be a

Excessive alcohol consumption is a societal problem of devastating magnitude. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), approximately 90,000 people die annually from alcohol-related deaths in

Binge drinking is a common issue fueled by the alcohol industry’s aggressive marketing and the easy accessibility of alcohol. Young people are particularly vulnerable to its harmful effects. American youth

The cliché image of an alcoholic is the stumbling drunk who is incapable of stringing together coherent sentences. While this description may describe some alcoholics, it’s far from comprehensive. There

Alcohol withdrawal can trigger a range of severe symptoms, including hallucinations. This condition, often referred to as alcoholic hallucinosis, alcohol-related psychosis, or alcohol-induced psychotic disorder, can occur when individuals with

“Alcoholic” is a term used to describe someone suffering from alcohol use disorder (AUD)— a medical and psychiatric condition defined by a compulsion and inability to control excessive drinking. In

Alcohol is undeniably America’s favorite legal poison— socially prevalent, highly profitable and extremely addictive. In combination, alcohol’s popularity and toxicity have devastating effects. The drug’s easy accessibility encourages abuse by

The personal and societal impact of addiction is unparalleled. According to the National Survey on Drug Health and Use (NSDUH), approximately 22 million Americans aged 12 and older suffered from

Alcohol is a wildly popular recreational drug. Classified as a depressant and legal for purchase and consumption in America by those over the age of 21, alcohol is socially prevalent,

Beer is a major engine driving recreational activities in American society. Incredibly popular and relatively inexpensive, it is backed by a billion-dollar advertising industry that works relentlessly and unscrupulously to

In the U.S., alcohol poisoning is responsible for 2,200 deaths a year, or six a day. (The majority of victims are men between the ages of 35 and 65, and

Alcohol is America’s ever-present recreational drug of choice. With the backing of a powerful, billion-dollar advertising industry that ensures that alcoholic beverages are available almost everywhere, alcohol is an integral

Heroin is an illicit opiate and central nervous system (CNS) depressant that works by binding to opiate receptors in the brain. This binding process alters both the perception and physical

Heroin is a derivative of morphine naturally found in the opium poppy (Papaver somniferum) plant but considered approximately three times more potent. Classified as a Schedule 1 illicit narcotic by

“Medical detox” is the first step to recovery for anyone serious about kicking a drinking habit once and for all. Medical detox from alcohol refers to a supervised, inpatient passage

What is wet brain? “Wet brain,” officially known as “Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome” (WKS), is a serious neurological disorder caused by habitual, long-term alcohol abuse. The disorder was named after Russian physician

Two of America’s most recreationally abused substances, alcohol, and cocaine, form a particularly dangerous combination when mixed. Alcohol is, without a doubt, America’s most prevalent recreational drug. Enormously popular and

The disease of alcoholism wears many masks. Recognizing signs of alcoholism for what they are can be a real challenge to friends and family of those with a drinking problem.

Those considering treatment for a drinking problem naturally may wonder about the success rate of alcohol recovery as it relates to their own prospects for finding freedom from the drug.

Before attempting alcohol detox, there are some life-saving facts that you need to know— including why medically supervised withdrawal is an imperative for chronic heavy drinkers. Put on your alcohol

Alcohol is the most widely used substance in the world and one of the most addictive. In 2016, of the 20.1 million people in the United States with a substance

Whether they are active duty or retired, returning military personnel experience significantly higher rates of alcohol abuse than the general U.S. population. Men and women in the military also have

If the obvious stresses and traumas of addiction haven’t convinced you to get treatment, consider what other harm you may be doing to your health. Carrie Fisher, who made the

Drug abuse and pregnancy don’t mix. Period. An unborn child is at the mercy of its mother’s decisions. If a pregnant woman sees her doctor regularly, puts the right substances

What’s the difference between early and late-stage alcoholism? Learn what it is— and, why it’s never a good idea to wait to get help for a drinking problem. Addiction, like

Cravings are common in recovery from drugs and alcohol. Knowing the oncoming signals and how to resist them is thus critical to avoiding relapse. Arm yourself with these helpful tips:

Drinking can impair your vision … true or false? Get the full scoop here: “Beer goggles”—the evil twin of “rose-colored glasses”—are the point where a drinker’s vision becomes so blurry

It’s a controversial question, and the answer may be life-changing. Get it here: Once an alcoholic completes treatment and enters recovery, sooner or later he or she will begin to

After a night of boozing and binge drinking, how much time does it take for alcohol to completely leave your system? Get a detailed answer from the experts. Alcohol remains

It’s slang for an eating disorder involving alcohol, and college campuses are its prime breeding ground. Do you know what it is—and how to spot it in a college-aged friend

There are good reasons why alcohol in powdered form is currently banned. Learn what the powdered alcohol dangers are, especially for teens and under-aged users: Though the concept of “powdered

“High-functioning alcoholism” is a bit of an oxymoron. Discover why, including tips for spotting it in a friend or loved one. Problem drinking or functional alcoholism and binge drinking is

Using drugs or alcohol to shed a few pounds can be medically risky. Whether it’s drinking, smoking or taking Adderall to lose weight, the risk factors far outweigh the body-trimming

Parents who drink can influence their children’s attitudes and behaviors towards alcohol. Discover how here: Children whose parents drink are five times more likely to use alcohol themselves—often before legal

Effective stress management is central to lasting freedom from substance abuse, but many don’t know where or how to begin in managing stress without drugs or alcohol. Discover 10 invaluable

If drinking red wine in moderation is one secret to living longer, too much alcohol in any form is the really scary flip side of the story that everyone should

Stress at work puts men at higher risk of alcohol abuse. Get more acquainted with the one occupational hazard every man needs to know about: The fact that chronic work

When sleep eludes you, taking a prescription or over-the-counter sleeping pill can be “just what the doctor ordered” to get relief … it can also be dangerous. Discover why here:

Alcoholism kills you by attacking key organs of the body until they stop working. Learn why immediate intervention with any drinking problem is an urgent priority: Alcoholism is a disease

Can too much alcohol cause infertility? That question is one many couples ask when trying to conceive. They wonder whether drinking can affect their chances of achieving pregnancy, and if

Alcohol is the fourth leading preventable cause of death in the United States, according to the National Center for Statistics and Analysis, which has estimated that each year roughly 88,000

They have been called “the game with no winner.” Still, drinking games remain a common rite of passage for high school-aged teens and young adults in this country. On college

Kidneys are body organs that most of us take for granted. They’re hidden, do their job, and generally require no intervention or attention until they fail. By then, it might

If you watch the news or spend any time online, then you probably have heard the hype about the benefits of drinking a glass or two of red wine a

Actress Carrie Fisher died of heart failure on December 27, 2016, two months after her 60th birthday. Medical experts theorized that years of self-medicating with cocaine and other drugs contributed

Student athletes are generally at greater risk of abusing alcohol than their college peers. As a result, they are also more vulnerable to the effects of binge drinking and other

Every day an average of six people in the United States die from alcohol poisoning by overdosing on the substance, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Alcohol poisoning happens

Underage drinking leads to more problems than just a hangover the next day. The life-altering consequences of underage drinking are associated not only with the substance itself but also with

Addiction treatment in America certainly has had its low points, including history’s scariest addiction treatments. These ranged from Frankensteinian forms of aversion therapy, from dropping bird dung or live eels

“Stigma” is a common phenomenon with drug or alcohol addiction. The term stigma refers to the negative, often false stereotyping and discrimination that people with substance use disorders (SUDs) receive,

On the surface, it’s easy to tell the difference between binge drinking and an alcohol dependency. Binge drinking, simply put, is five drinks for men and four drinks for women

Both those at greater risk of developing a substance use disorder and those in recovery from substance abuse can benefit from knowing what professions are most susceptible to drug and

“Is there a cure for addiction?” The answer to that question is a nuanced once, but it is also hope-filled. The ultimate takeaway, as this article will show, is that

The first step to getting help for an alcohol abuse problem is to recognize you have one. If you don’t have a problem, you don’t have a solution. Alcohol abuse

Smart nutrition—eating foods that nourish brain cells and boost cell repair and the production of neurotransmitters—can help reverse brain damage from drug and alcohol abuse. That’s the conclusion of respected

Staying sober in college when you’re also in recovery can seem like an intimidating prospect. Since time immemorial, after all, college campuses have been petri dishes crawling with young adult

Binge drinking almost killed Hanna Lottritz. The 20-year-old University of Nevada student reportedly drank so much alcohol that the doctors thought she was brain dead. But Lottritz was fortunate. She

How do you know if you need rehab treatment for a drug or alcohol problem? If you are asking that question, pat yourself on the back and congratulate yourself. Simply

What if there was a single food that could repair your brain, liver and nervous system from alcohol abuse? What if there was a food that could regenerate and restore

No parent wants to ask the question, “Is my teen addicted to alcohol?” The only thing worse is getting the answer “yes”: that a teenaged child is indeed compulsively drinking

Alcoholics Anonymous founder Bill W. had long suffered from severe depression, but that promptly ended when he began taking significant doses of certain food nutrients under the personal direction of

Alcoholism and alcohol abuse are as much a family disease as an individual struggle and coping with alcoholism in the family can be extremely difficult for everyone involved. Those who

Alcohol detox describes what happens when your body gradually tapers off of alcohol, after having become physically dependent on the drug. That may sound simple and straightforward enough, but in

Beer lovers and wine connoisseurs beware: You can have “too much of a good thing”—so much so that over-indulging in alcohol can slowly and steadily kill you. The reality is

Alcohol’s devastating effects on the brain and liver have been well documented, with the implication that chronic heavy drinking is an almost sure-fire path to eventual organ failure and premature

Alcohol is legal, socially acceptable, and a regular staple at holiday gatherings and sporting events. And, forget those cherry Icees and Starbucks Frappuccinos: what may be coming soon to a

Alcohol is all around us. It’s at restaurants, holiday parties and outdoor barbeques with friends. When we turn on the TV, we see advertisements full of beautiful people with alcoholic

In our fast-paced society, we’re all conscious of time. When facing something like alcohol withdrawal, it’s only natural to be particularly concerned about how long the process will take. The

  For people who drink alcohol, it’s not always easy to tell when the habit has turned into a problem. Alcohol abuse and alcoholism can sneak up on you, so