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What To Do if You Find Drugs in Your House

If you’ve found drugs in your house and you’re not sure what steps to take, you’re not alone. Many individuals suffering from a substance abuse addiction will attempt to hide their drug use from their loved ones for as long as they can. While it is never easy to find out that someone you care for is abusing drugs, it can be even harder when you see the evidence right in your very own home.

A young woman kneeling by a bed in anger or sadness.

Discovering Drugs: Steps to Take

After you’ve found drugs in your home, you have the opportunity to take positive steps towards helping the person who is using. Whether that person is your child or spouse, these steps will remain the same.

To help you handle this situation, our Florida rehab experts have put together this helpful guide. Before sending your loved one to an inpatient drug rehab facility or calling law enforcement, consider this alternative plan of action.

Take a Moment to Collect Yourself

You may be tempted to immediately go confront whoever is responsible for the drugs, but it’s vital to first stop and think. You may be angry, frustrated, or overwhelmed, which will only cause a confrontation if you tried to talk to the drug addict. In order to address the situation with a clear mind, you cannot come at them with outrage or anger. To have a proactive conversation with your loved one, try coming from a place of concern. Take some time to collect your emotions, outline what you want to discuss with them, and consider what time would be best to have this conversation.

Be Prepared

While you compile your thoughts for your conversation, do some prior research.  Brush up on what substance abuse is, the symptoms of drug addiction, and talk to your local drug detox center about the best way to proceed.

Talk to Your Loved One

When you do talk to your loved one, it’s important to start the conversation by reminding them how much you care about them. The addict needs to know that this conversation is stemming from concern and love, not anger. You can open up to them about the drugs that you found, the concerns you have, and the associated risks of drug abuse. Dealing with an addict is never easy, but when you are prepared for the situation, you can at least have better communication.

Set Ground Rules

It’s important to let your loved one know that there are rules in the house and that drug use will not be tolerated. Be clear when delivering these guidelines. Let them know that you will not tolerate drug use of any kind, in or outside of the house. Discuss the potential consequences if these rules are broken. Be specific about what will happen and ask if your loved one agrees to follow. Once again, you can be stern with this conversation but never place guilt or come off as angry.

Allow Your Loved One to Speak

The conversation should not be one-sided, so be sure to allow your loved one to speak, ask questions, let them explain where they got the drugs, why they felt the need to use drugs, and anything else they may want to talk to you about. Their desire to use drugs may stem from something you were never aware of.

Reiterate That You Love and Support Them

Discussing drug use can be stressful, so be sure to remind your loved one that you love and support them. Once they have admitted to their drug problem, educate the drug addict on the possible drug detox treatment options available to them.

Reach Out to Resources For Help

If your loved one is struggling with a drug addiction, it’s important that they get the treatment they need so they can change their lives for the better. The right treatment will depend on the type and severity of the addiction.

For further guidance on how to proceed, contact our drug rehab center today. We offer a variety of detox plans including long-term residential treatment and outpatient programs. Call our Florida rehab center today to discuss your treatment options.


  • “7 Steps to Take After Finding Your Teen’s Drug Stash.” Retrieved from
  • The Palm Beach Institute. “What to do After Finding Your Teen’s Drug Stash?” Retrieved from