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Beach House Rehab Center » Blog » The Ultimate Inpatient Rehab Program Guide to Recovery
Drug rehabilitation (rehab) and recovery programs are not one size fits all. Not only are programs highly individualized based on the person’s needs, but they also vary based on duration, intensity, and frequency of meetings. Rehab programs typically fall into one of three categories: outpatient, partial hospitalization, and inpatient rehab. The type of rehab program selected by the individual, the family, and the recovery professional has a lot to do with the person’s recovery needs, availability, home life, financial situation, and intensity of drug abuse. Each type of program serves a meaningful purpose with the same goal: long-term recovery.
Inpatient programs, also referred to as residential treatment programs since the client resides at the facility during treatment, provide the most comprehensive level of care. It’s one of the most effective ways to treat drug and alcohol addiction. When approached with an attitude geared toward recovery, inpatient programs can be enlightening, effective, and yes, even enjoyable. Let’s be clear: inpatient rehab requires work because there is a lot of work to be done. However, it’s not an experience to be feared or dreaded. For those wanting a healthier, sober life, a residential program is an incredible option.
An inpatient rehab center like the Beach House Center for Recovery provides the support to overcome the physical addiction as well as the therapy and educational tools needed for ongoing recovery.
A key factor during one’s rehabilitation and recovery journey is being a part of a supportive environment. Those who live in high-risk and/or unsupportive environments will benefit from a residential program that removes those triggers and provides ongoing support.
Inpatient rehab programs are good for individuals who have not been successful in outpatient or partial hospitalization programs, or those who have unsuccessfully attempted to quit on their own. Inpatient rehab programs are also recommended for those who have any risk of self-harm, those who are pregnant, and/or those who have a co-occurring disorder such as a mental illness.
Some inpatient programs like Beach House offer medical detoxification (detox), which is the first part of the recovery process. At an inpatient facility that offers medical detox, the individual is cared for and monitored by medical professionals as the body is freed from the chemicals from drugs and/or alcohol. Drug rehabilitation centers work hard to ease the side effects of withdrawal. When withdrawal is unsupervised or not handled by a professional, it is common for the individual to relapse simply because they want to avoid the uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms. If detoxification is not closely monitored by medical professionals, withdrawal symptoms from alcohol and certain drug addictions can be life-threatening.
The road to recovery continues once the detox phase is complete. At this point, the individual begins group therapy, individual counseling, Partial Hospitalization and other treatments in a safe environment with health professionals who are committed to helping the individual throughout the recovery process.
During the final stages of inpatient rehab, the client works with recovery professionals to create a relapse prevention plan to help prepare the individual for long-term recovery. A relapse prevention plan addresses how to manage drug cravings, identifying and avoiding triggers, a contingency plan for stressful situations, a list of contacts to call when in need of support, and what to do if relapse occurs.
There is no guaranteed timeline to used to decide how long it will take a client to progress through the stages during a rehab treatment program. Most inpatient rehab programs last anywhere from 28-90 days. The focus isn’t on the number of calendar days spent in treatment; it’s on the effectiveness of treatment and the client’s readiness to return to the real world which is based on ongoing professional assessments. While some may progress quickly through the program, others will need more time in residential care.
Choosing the best type of addiction treatment program can be overwhelming. When a client and the family is deciding among outpatient, partial hospitalization, and inpatient rehab programs, it’s a great idea to work with a trained professional who can provide informed advice.
The cost of drug rehab, the location of facilities that provide inpatient drug rehab, and insurance coverage are among the most important factors a family considers to determine what rehabilitation facility is the best option.
To help you decide if inpatient rehab and a customized treatment plan is your family’s best option for your loved one’s recovery treatment, contact us today. Allow us the opportunity to answer your questions and discuss the best way to work toward a healthier, sober life. Our goal is for your loved one to enjoy long-term recovery; let’s put a plan in place.
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