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Beach House Recovery Center » Blog » Staying Sober While Rebounding from a Major Life Disruption
When you’ve finally gotten comfortable with the “new normal” of consistent sober living, that’s among the worst times to be hit with a major shock. Nonetheless, no one is guaranteed immunity against natural disaster or sudden tragedy. After your world is turned upside down just when it seemed you could finally relax a bit, you may be in significant danger of letting exhaustion, despair or anger tempt you into relapse.
Few people have relapse problems in the thick of actual disaster. When a tornado or wildfire is coming straight at you, there’s no time to think about anything except getting clear in one piece. And if a hurricane has shut down half the city and turned your neighborhood into a temporary Venice of flooded roadways, chances are that even if addictive substances seem newly tempting, there isn’t much opportunity to go out and buy any.
It’s after the worst is over that the threat of stress-triggered relapse can get serious—and having escaped direct damage doesn’t guarantee you’ll escape temptation. If anything, surviving untouched can make temptation worse: you’re ready and eager to get back to normal, but
You’re left relatively free, and highly frustrated—a dangerous combination for anyone who harbors recent memories of using chemical means to soothe stress.
Besides reviewing techniques for reducing frustration, try to use this time as an opportunity for productive activities:
Of course, stay in touch with your support network throughout—especially your “call in case of temptation” partner(s). If a large-scale disaster has affected the location or schedule of your support-group meetings, call a hotline or the organization’s national headquarters. They can help you find a substitute meeting to attend until your regular one resumes.
You might even invite some of your fellow support-group members to an “unofficial” gathering in your home or a coffee shop.
With a life shock that affects only you and a few others, your regular support resources won’t be affected as they might in a community-wide disaster. Keep attending support-group meetings and therapy sessions: or if physical impairment, temporary relocation or the need to supervise damage control keep you away, find an alternate meeting schedule and/or a way of keeping in touch with your network. Even if it takes extra effort, never let formal support slide off your schedule—you need it more than ever right now.
In any situation where you have significant “cleaning up” to do, seek additional support in your specific area of concern:
Ideally, plan for the possibility of a major life disruption from the beginning of your recovery. A sobriety plan with “just in case” coping strategies is a huge help when you find yourself under greater than normal stress.
Here are a few things that belong in the “in case of emergency” file:
Odds are you’ll get through the post-detox period without major life disruptions, so don’t stress out worrying about the possibility. But if serious trouble does occur, you’ll be much less likely to add relapse to your problems if yo
Whether you’re researching for yourself or a loved one, Beach House can help. We understand that this is a serious time in your life and that the treatment center you choose matters. We want you to feel comfortable and empowered to make the right decision for yourself, a friend, or a family member. This is why a counselor is waiting and available to answer your questions and help put your mind at ease regarding the next steps. Many of the staff at Beach House have walked in your shoes. If you feel you’re ready or want more information about how to help a loved one, we can help today. You can also learn why we are voted the #1 rehab for addiction treatment in Florida.
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