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Beach House Recovery Center » Blog » How to Reduce the Risk of Relapse: Signs of an Oncoming Drug or Alcohol Craving
Cravings are common in recovery from drugs and alcohol. Knowing the oncoming signals and how to resist them is thus critical to avoiding relapse. Arm yourself with these helpful tips:
One way to avoid relapse into drug or alcohol use is to know the signals of an oncoming craving. The earlier the urge is recognized, the easier it is to resist.
It’s important to understand, though: all-out cravings (as opposed to twinges of temptation) are powerful opponents, capable of making things seriously agonizing before—assuming they are successfully resisted—they give up the fight. “Resist” may not even be the best word, since it implies combating an opponent strength for strength, and opponents that arise from our own brains tend to grow even stronger when we use those same brains to argue directly. It might be better to think of “defusing” a craving by turning our attention to things that make us stronger.
Regardless, most cravings can be stopped before they reach the “irresistible” stage. First, though, it’s important to understand the facts behind relapse dangers.
The riskiest period for relapse is the first 90 days after completing treatment. The second riskiest is the nine months following those 90 days. During that first year, a person has major adjustments to make, turbulent emotions to deal with, and thought habits that are quicker to remember the “relief” of substance use than the misery that followed. The more things that remind you addiction was once “natural,” and the less experience you have living life any other way, the more vulnerable you are.
Even after your first full year of sobriety, you may be at high risk for being ambushed by cravings—and giving in to them—if you answer “yes” to any of the following:
All of these constitute potential relapse triggers.
As with most illnesses, addiction/relapse is likelier to catch you unaware if you’re “too busy” or “too tired” to heed signals of impending trouble. So one key aspect of avoiding relapse is staying mindfully alert to your emotional and physical perceptions. (Mindfulness can also reduce the intensity of cravings, making it easier not to give in.)
Especially if you’re dealing with any of the high-risk areas mentioned above, a drug or alcohol craving may be trying to get at you if you notice any or several of the following signals:
It’s best to forearm yourself by planning, from the time you complete detox, what you will do if you feel a craving coming on. As already noted, head-on resistance may empower the craving more than you.
The most effective responses involve either getting away from whatever stimulus is reinforcing the craving, or reducing the attractiveness of the drug itself (sometimes by providing a more attractive alternative). Professional therapists employ a variety of technical approaches to make reduced stimuli and reduced drug/alcohol attraction a way of life, but there are techniques anyone can use to defuse immediate cravings. Most of these involve re-focusing attention. Choose an activity that takes at least half an hour (to give the craving time to pass) and that occupies your hands and/or keeps you moving (so you physically can’t reach for a “fix”).
It helps to prepare a list of alternate activities, in multiple categories: variety will keep life in the will to do something besides follow your cravings.
Of course, it helps to prevent all the cravings you can. If you keep up the following habits, relapse temptations will bother you less often:
Finally, remember that when successfully resisted, cravings lose power and frequency over time. When you’re newly sober, it may feel that those agonizing urges will never leave you in peace, but be assured they will. Every time you do something else until the craving passes, your brain becomes more resistant to the next craving—and, soon enough, you’ll hardly remember cravings were ever a problem.
Dharmadhikari, A.S., and V.K. Sinha. “Psychological Management of Craving.” Journal of Addiction Research & Therapy, June 17, 2015. Accessed September 25, 2017.
Jaffe, Adi. “Craving: When the Brain Remembers Drug Use.” Psychology Today website, February 21, 2010. Accessed September 25, 2017.
Manejwala, Omar. Craving: Why We Can’t Seem to Get Enough. Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation, 2013, pp. 1–27. Accessed September 25, 2017. “What to Do When Cigarette Cravings Hit.” Accessed September 25, 2017. “Subconscious Signals Can Trigger Drug Craving.” February 6, 2008. Accessed September 25, 2017.
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