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Beach House Recovery Center » Blog » Learn How to Avoid Alcohol
The difficulty of going through alcohol withdrawal is commonly understood, but what about life after treatment? While the initial detox can be a trying experience, most addicts will tell you that “the real journey begins once treatment is finished.” This is supported by the National Institutes of Health, as they conducted a study which concluded that 38.6% of individuals who received treatment for AUD (alcohol use disorder) relapsed within three years.
That’s nearly 4 out of 10 alcoholics that receive treatment. As you can see, relapse prevention needs to be a focal point in rehab. In which case, you might be here because you’re recently sober and need some support in avoiding alcohol. Or, perhaps you’re trying to take a break from drinking and just simply don’t know how to get away from it. Below are our top tips on how to stop drinking so much and how to change your current drinking habits for the better.
Individuals often drink alcohol because of triggers. For someone with AUD who is now sober, they know that triggers can serve as the waypoints for relapse—the kryptonite of all they’ve worked so hard to accomplish. Common pieces of advice would include staying away from drinking situations, leaving unhealthy social circles, creating a new routine, but it’s important to know that the biggest trigger of all comes from within.
A study published in the Andrha Pradesh Journal of Psychological Medicine, where 264 patients that met the criteria for alcoholism were observed, concluded that: “craving was found to be the most common cause for relapse in alcohol-dependent patients.” This is paramount for both the AUD sufferer and those that want to abstain from alcohol, as sometimes we look so hard in the distance for something that’s inward.
By understanding that cravings are the most prevalent cause of relapse, one can work to understand whether or not it’s external forces that are tempting them. If so, they can reach out to their support groups, clinicians, doctors, friends, family, or whoever is close to them to work through what they’re experiencing. This is especially important for the person who has completely avoided all triggers, only to crumble in frustration due to alcohol cravings.
At some point in an alcoholic’s journey, they will usually have to be around alcohol. Initially, this is warned against, as the visual stimuli (of both alcohol as a material and people drinking) can be a serious trigger. In which case, as simple as this sounds, if you’re trying to quit alcohol… then quit it. Don’t be afraid to not go somewhere because you know there will be alcohol or drinking present.
Additionally, if you’re someone who’s trying to cut back on your alcohol intake, don’t stock your house. Any drinker will tell you that it’s a lot harder to control their substance abuse when wine is always piled on the counter, beer is in the fridge, and the bar holds multiple types of liquor. Avoiding alcohol often comes down to literally not being in its presence.
One of the principles taught in almost every AUD treatment program is to break ties with unhealthy relationships, as they are in themselves triggers. The primary relationship to abstain from is other drinkers, as the individual trying to avoid alcohol is susceptible to increased cravings in these situations. If someone close to you refuses to change—or at the very least not drink when you’re together—then that is not someone that will support your recovery.
Likewise, if you’re trying to reduce your alcohol consumption because you’ve been drinking too much, it’s time to change social circles or take a break. If the people you’re surrounding yourself with go out to drink every night, or if every interaction is over alcoholic beverages, then it’s best to face peer pressure and abstain. Even someone with zero dependence might find it difficult to remain sober in situations where everyone is drinking alcohol.
If you want to avoid alcoholic drinks, then it’s important to understand what emotions act as triggers. Anxiety and depression are common emotional states that recovering alcoholics must grapple with. A study done on anxiety and alcoholism by ARCR (Alcohol Research Current Reviews) speaks on medicating AUD sufferers. It states (on anxiety medication):
“The efficacy of these drugs for anxiety treatment has been established firmly in well-controlled, randomized clinical trials. However, it is important to note that these studies typically exclude people with AUDs—a requisite standard practice to enhance the internal validity of efficacy studies.”
This is particularly important, as someone with a propensity for addiction is difficult to medicate seeing as there’s always a fear of a dependency forming. In which case, it’s important that the AUD sufferer trying to avoid alcohol recognizes when they’re feeling particularly emotional and seeks the help of their therapist(s), rehab clinic, support groups, or whoever they’ve leaned on throughout the process. By reinforcing the tools learned in dealing with these emotions, they’re able to avoid alcohol.
The same principle applies but in the case of someone trying to reduce their alcohol consumption, they must identify what happens when emotional turmoil ensues. Some questions to ask yourself:
If you’re trying to avoid alcohol, yet use it to cope with difficult emotions, this can be a sign that you’re forming a dependency. This is a warning sign you must listen to, as this type of drinking can kickstart the cycle of addiction.
Routine begets habit and this can be negative if the habits formed are unhealthy. One of the reasons inpatient programs work well is because they remove the individual from their former environment, allowing them to break their routine. It’s important that a new routine is created. This can be as mundane as not taking a walk past the bars you used to frequent, to completely uprooting your everyday process. But your brain has been wired—through repetition—to associate your “old life” with drinking.
Likewise, if you’re someone that’s trying to avoid alcohol but don’t have AUD, old routines will tempt you to drink. That Taco Tuesday ritual needs to be replaced with something else. The Thursday night at the bar will be better served exercising. The after-work beer should be replaced with some tea, especially if that’s what usually occurs once you’re home.
While we have encouraged you to learn and identify triggers, there are certain steps you can take to mitigate them from coming your way. The most important being:
Communication for the AUD sufferer doesn’t differ immensely from that of the person that just wants to drink less. One of the facets of recovery is facing your issues head-on, which often means communicating them to those you love most and those in your network. It’s important that anyone who wants to avoid alcohol:
In this way, those closest to the person trying to avoid alcohol will help shield them from its influence. A simple “we should grab a beer” text can act as a trigger. If people are aware of the situation and that you’re trying to avoid alcohol, they will rally to support you. If they don’t, then refer to the “unhealthy relationships” trigger. Anyone that does not support someone’s choice to abstain from alcohol is a negative influence on their life.
If you’re someone that recently finished treatment, or if you’re someone that’s just looking to stop drinking, becoming the change you want to see can benefit anyone trying to abstain from alcohol. There’s a difference between informing people that you no longer want to be around alcohol and creating ways in which this can be done.
Try to become the change you want to see. What we mean is:
In doing so, you allow breathing room for the latest version of yourself—room that will allow you to grow in different ways. It’s the difference between saying this is “who I am now,” and this is “who I am.” Think of the healthy, wholesome, and dynamic adventures that are going to open before you now that you no longer drink. The journey of recovery, if you allow yourself to be vulnerable, can open up avenues you never knew existed.
If you’re struggling to avoid alcohol, or if you’re struggling with alcoholism, the tips above are going to be difficult to follow if you haven’t undergone treatment. Quitting alcohol “cold turkey” is never recommended as serious health complications can arise and there’s a higher chance of relapse.
In which case, to not only avoid alcohol but to create the foundation for sobriety in the future, reach out to Beach House Recovery to understand more on the ins and outs of their alcohol treatment. This can typically take the form of:
Both forms of treatment do recommend a medically supervised, in-house alcohol detox.
Additionally, our Florida rehab center offers a wellness program that takes holistic elements and blends them into traditional forms of addiction treatment to create a wholesome, enlightening, and peaceful experience.
Regardless of what you choose to do, be sure to find a rehab center that speaks to your values, provides comfort and is one that you believe in. How you perceive the support around you will dictate how willing you are to engage in your recovery. While this is not always spoken on, it’s an extremely important facet of choosing a rehab clinic.
The art of avoiding alcohol takes different forms depending on the reason for abstinence. Regardless, know that with a society that welcomes and accepts the substance, the process can prove challenging. That’s why creating clear goals, identifying triggers, and becoming the change you want to see is imperative.
With the tips and strategies we’ve spoken on above, we want to mention that you will encounter pushbacks. Alcohol is everywhere and if you’re struggling with it, people will not always be sympathetic to your cause. Work to focus on why not drinking—for you specifically—will benefit your life. Be tenacious with these reasons.
Through support systems provided by rehab clinics, strong willpower, and the network of beautiful people you’ll meet struggling with the same issue, avoiding alcohol is entirely possible. And if you’re someone that just wants to take a break, it’s a surefire way to learn a lot about yourself and the society you live in.
If you or someone you love has an alcohol abuse problem, please know that you are not alone. Call our clinic today to learn about our treatment program options.
Whether you’re researching for yourself or a loved one, Beach House can help. We understand that this is a serious time in your life and that the treatment center you choose matters. We want you to feel comfortable and empowered to make the right decision for yourself, a friend, or a family member. This is why a counselor is waiting and available to answer your questions and help put your mind at ease regarding the next steps. Many of the staff at Beach House have walked in your shoes. If you feel you’re ready or want more information about how to help a loved one, we can help today. You can also learn why we are voted the #1 rehab for addiction treatment in Florida.
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