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Beach House Recovery Center » Blog » Is Addiction Genetic?
Although two-adult households where both partners have addictions are in the minority, just one parent’s being chemically dependent multiplies eightfold each child’s risk of developing a similar problem. Everyone has heard of families with “an alcoholic in every generation”—probably more exist than are actually heard of, since many problem users (and their families) become highly adept at keeping up appearances. Many households attempt to conceal the problem even from the children—which rarely works since even toddlers have an uncanny ability to sense something is wrong or “different.”
Whether a parent gets openly drunk and violent or merely seems distant, the stress of living in a household driven by addiction plays a role in a child’s own risk for becoming addicted. So do behavioral examples acted out on a daily basis. But is there more to the problem of addiction running in families? Are the children at risk even if the adult became sober long before becoming a parent?
To the question, Is addiction genetic? researchers answer almost unanimously: Yes, to the point of about 50%. (With some substances it’s higher: the inclination to start smoking may be as much as 75% genetic.) Science has even tied specific genes to specific substances of addiction: A1 alleles to alcohol and cocaine, Cnr1 to opiates, Mpdz to a lower chance of dangerous dependence on sedatives.
Still, genes aren’t destiny, and 50% or even 75% natural inclination is a long way from 100%. This article takes a closer look at the genetic influence on addiction, and how to minimize risk if the odds seem stacked against you or your children.
Despite frequently heard talk about “the alcoholism gene” (or breast cancer gene or obesity gene), multiple genetic factors are nearly always involved in an individual’s risk of developing an addiction. (The same applies to most mental and many physical illnesses, which is why many people with chronic diseases have to try several treatments before finding one that proves effective.) Addiction risk is usually affected both by the responsiveness of the brain’s pleasure receptors to a specific drug and by the body’s tolerance to side effects: both affect the likelihood of someone’s returning for more after the initial experience with a substance.
So do low-stress tolerance and tendencies toward discouragement, personality traits which are about 50% natural predisposition. You may be at extra risk if either of your parents or another close relative, has had addiction issues and shares any of the following personality traits with you:
Closely related to genetics, and another major factor in propensity to addiction is epigenetics, loosely defined as “where genes meet the environment.” In more technical terms, it refers to the influence of experiences and environment on DNA structure, which can intensify or reduce the extent to which brain and body “follow the genes.” This influences why siblings, born of the same parents (sometimes even with the same genetic pattern, as in identical twins or triplets), raised in the same household and often looking much alike physically, so often grow up very different in personalities and interests. (Interestingly, studies on identical twins indicate that those raised separately, without contact between their respective households, grow up more alike in personality than those raised together. It’s as if the natural human tendency is to strive to stand out, even at the cost of defying one’s own genes, rather than be simply one of a set.)
It’s worth noting that genetic tendencies as such aren’t “good” or “bad”—predispositions toward addiction are rooted in natural survival instinct. In “primitive” environments where options are limited and one catastrophe could wipe out a whole tribe, tendencies to seek all one can get off the “good stuff” and avoid the “bad stuff” at all costs serve positive ends more often than not. It’s when life is relatively safe and offers far more options than any one person can take advantage of, that the natural pleasure–pain response betrays us by seeking the path of least resistance in a world that calls for personal growth as well as survival. That’s where both genetics and epigenetics meet learning, willpower and a sense of higher purpose—the secrets to not following your genes down the road to addiction.
You may have seen enough addiction in your family to convince you that genetics and addiction are a factor and you could be at personal risk. Or you (or your partner) may have had an addiction and, even if it was years ago, be concerned about your children’s predispositions in that direction.
If addiction “runs in your family”:
If you’re worried that your children have inherited addiction genes:
Now that we’ve answered, “Is addiction genetic?” You should have a better understanding of the genetic influence on addiction and how genes do not always determine the end all be all. It’s important to remember that even though there is a link between genetics and addiction, the path towards or away from addiction is ultimately up to you.
SOURCES “The Genetics of Drug and Alcohol Addiction.” January 15, 2018. Accessed January 30, 2018.
Bellum, Sara. “Real Teens Ask: Is Addiction Hereditary?” National Institutes of Health, NIDA for Teens, July 2, 2014. Accessed January 30, 2018.
Bevilacqua, L., and D. Goldman. “Genes and Addictions.” Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics, Vol. 85, No. 4, April 2009, pp. 359–361. Accessed January 30, 2018.
Elements Behavioral Health. “Is Alcoholism Genetic? Causes of Alcohol Addiction.” January 3, 2017. Accessed January 30, 2018.
Elkins, Chris. “Born to Do Drugs: Overcoming a Family History of Addiction.” Accessed January 30, 2018.
Genetic Science Learning Center, University of Utah. “Genes and Addiction.” Accessed January 30, 2018. “Alcohol Abuse Is Hereditary.” July 5, 2007. Accessed January 30, 2018.
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. “A Family History of Alcoholism.” June 2012. Accessed January 30, 2018.
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. “Genetics of Alcohol Use Disorder.” Accessed January 30, 2018.
National Institute on Drug Abuse. “Genetics and Epigenetics of Addiction.” Updated February 2016. Accessed January 30, 2018.
Price, M. “Genes Matter in Addiction.” Monitor on Psychology, Vol. 39, No. 6, June 2008, p. 14. Accessed January 30, 2018.
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