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December 1, 2016

Intervening with Love: A 10-Step Guide to Planning an Intervention

Planning an intervention

Confronting a loved one about their substance abuse is a complex but necessary step toward seeking help. An intervention can be a powerful tool for initiating change.

In this blog post, our expert team provides essential steps to planning and executing a successful intervention in ten steps.

Contact us today or continue reading to learn more about our intervention services and how we can help you help your loved one.

What is an Intervention?

An intervention is a structured process designed to confront a loved one about the destructive impact of their substance abuse and encourage them to seek professional help. It involves a carefully planned meeting with family, friends, and a professional interventionist to express concerns, share personal experiences, and offer support.

The goal of an intervention is to persuade the individual to enter treatment and begin their recovery journey. While interventions can vary in structure and approach, the underlying principle is to create a supportive and constructive environment that fosters change.

Planning the Intervention

Effective interventions require careful planning and preparation. While the intervention may last an hour or less, the planning process can take several weeks. Here are the top 10 steps to follow when planning an effective intervention for someone you love.

1.   Hire a Professional Interventionist

While family and friends can play a vital role in supporting a loved one struggling with addiction, conducting an intervention can be emotionally challenging and complex. A professional interventionist offers specialized skills and expertise to navigate this process effectively.

Benefits of hiring a professional interventionist:

  • Impartiality: An outsider’s perspective can help diffuse tension and facilitate open communication.
  • Expertise: Interventionists are trained in communication, negotiation, and addiction recovery.
  • Structure: They guide the planning and execution of the intervention.
  • Access to resources: Interventionists can connect the individual to appropriate treatment facilities.

Enlisting the help of a professional increases the chances of a successful intervention and a positive outcome for your loved one.

2. Secure Treatment Options in Advance

A successful intervention often hinges on immediate access to treatment. Having a treatment plan before the intervention increases the likelihood of a smooth transition into recovery.

Key considerations:

  • Research treatment facilities: Explore options that align with the individual’s needs, such as level of care, location, and insurance coverage.
  • Secure a bed: Reserve a treatment slot to ensure immediate placement upon agreement to enter treatment.
  • Finalize financial arrangements: Discuss payment plans, insurance coverage, and financial assistance options with the treatment facility.

Having a clear treatment plan in place demonstrates your commitment to your loved one’s recovery and increases the chances of a positive outcome.

3. Select Intervention Participants

Carefully consider who should participate in the intervention. Choose individuals who have a strong, positive relationship with the person struggling with addiction.

Key factors to consider:

  • Close relationships: Focus on family members, close friends, or significant others.
  • Emotional stability: Select individuals who can remain calm and composed during the intervention.
  • Willingness to participate: Ensure participants are committed to the process and willing to follow through.

Avoid inviting individuals who may create conflict or undermine the intervention’s goals.

4. Educate Yourself About Addiction

Before the intervention, participants must gain a deeper understanding of addiction. This knowledge empowers them to approach the conversation with empathy and effectiveness.

Resources for learning about addiction:

  • Treatment facilities: Many, like Beach House, offer educational materials and resources.
  • National organizations: The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) provide valuable information.
  • Books and articles: Explore reputable sources for information on addiction, recovery, and intervention strategies.

Educating yourself will make you better prepared to support your loved one and contribute meaningfully to the intervention process.

5. Arrange a Date for the Intervention

Once the decisions about the interventionist, treatment arrangements, and participant list are complete, arrange a date for the intervention. If some participants need to travel to get to the intervention, factor this into the event’s timing.

6. Conduct a Pre-Intervention Meeting

A pre-intervention meeting is essential for coordinating the intervention and ensuring everyone is prepared. The interventionist will facilitate this gathering to discuss logistics, roles, and expectations.

Key components of the pre-intervention meeting:

  • Reviewing the plan: Discuss the intervention’s goals, timeline, and potential challenges.
  • Assigning roles: Determining who will say what and when during the intervention.
  • Practicing responses: Rehearsing potential scenarios and responses to the individual’s reactions.
  • Building support: Encouraging open communication and emotional support among participants.

The pre-intervention meeting strengthens the team’s ability to support the individual in seeking help by coordinating efforts and addressing potential concerns.

7. Craft Personal Statements

A cornerstone of a successful intervention involves each participant sharing a heartfelt, written statement. These statements openly express the impact of the addict’s behavior on their lives. Participants will practice delivering these statements during the pre-intervention meeting.

8. Prepare for Intense Emotions and Denial

Interventions are emotionally charged events. Participants should anticipate strong reactions from the person with a substance use disorder, including anger, denial, and potentially abusive language. It’s essential to remember that these behaviors are symptoms of the addiction, not the person. Overwhelmed by substance abuse, the person with an addiction may be incapable of recognizing the harm caused to themselves and others.

The interventionist plays a crucial role in breaking through this denial and resistance. By systematically addressing the addict’s defenses, the interventionist creates an opportunity for the individual to consider treatment as a possible solution.

9. Be Clear About the Goal: Going into Treatment

All planning efforts must converge on a single objective: the addict’s immediate entry into treatment. There is no alternative outcome. While not every intervention is successful, a well-structured process guided by a professional interventionist significantly increases the chances of achieving this critical goal.

10. Enforce Clear Consequences

It’s crucial to establish and communicate unwavering consequences for refusing treatment. Family members must be prepared to follow through on these actions, including severing ties, financial restrictions, or ending enabling behaviors. Understanding and agreeing upon these consequences beforehand is essential for a successful intervention.

While a first attempt may not yield immediate results, it’s important to remember that your support and involvement remain crucial to your loved one’s long-term recovery. Even if treatment doesn’t occur immediately, your actions can lay the groundwork for future success.

A Path to Recovery Begins with Intervention

Intervening in a loved one’s life is undoubtedly difficult, but it’s a crucial step toward their recovery. By following these guidelines and enlisting the support of a professional interventionist, you’re increasing the chances of a positive outcome.

Imagine a future where your loved one is free from addiction’s grip. At Beach House Center for Recovery, we offer a haven for healing and recovery. Our experienced team is dedicated to guiding individuals on their journey to sobriety.

Don’t wait. Take the first step toward a brighter future by contacting us today for a confidential consultation.