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Beach House Recovery Center » Blog » How to Handle a Job Interview When Your Record Is Far From Ideal
If it’s hard to convince your family to trust you again after addiction, it’s far harder to convince someone who knows only that you spent time in jail for drunk driving or illegal possession. When your post-detox responsibilities include finding new work, nervousness over “who’d want to hire someone with my past?” goes with the territory. But optimism and careful planning can get you through.
Favorable references go a long way in convincing potential employers to trust you. To make the best impression, find two or three people who are willing not only to have their contact information listed under “References,” but to provide detailed written recommendations stating why they believe you will be a dependable employee.
People who might furnish referrals include:
The people who make the best impressions during job interviews are those who already know something about the potential employer. Don’t just read the job description and the first page of the company’s website. Scan the whole site and the company’s social media pages to get a feel for overall atmosphere:
If you arrive at your interview dressed and behaving like someone who already works there, and if you can talk about topics relevant to work as the interviewer knows it, you’ll have a leg up on being someone they like enough to hire. Advance research can also give you an idea of how well this employer would support your sobriety: if they host AA meetings, it’s a good sign. If the “events” pictures are full of wine glasses, approach with caution.
Obviously, you don’t want to lie about your record. But neither do you have to volunteer all the details unless asked. Even if you’ll need flexible hours so you can attend sobriety therapy, or special accommodations to avoid potential relapse triggers, the interviewer wants to hear first what you’ll bring to the company. Don’t rush in with questions about what the company plans to give back to you.
If the interviewer asks why you have a gap in your work record, changed jobs five times in three years or spent time in jail, avoid being any more negative than you absolutely must. Blaming others, carrying on about your bad luck and even talking excessively about your own failures will all work against you. Guide the line of conversation toward, “I made some bad mistakes, but I’ve learned from them and am ready to move forward.”
(Note: It’s acceptable to put “did janitorial/clerical work for state” on a resume if you did that work as an inmate of the state prison. Even under the worst circumstances, any legitimate job looks better than a gap that implies “did nothing worthwhile during that period.”)
To make a final good impression, send a personal thank-you note to your interviewer. Then don’t just wait for a reply on that one job: keep up the interviews until you find your position.
If you’ve been through several interviews without results, don’t fall into “I’ll never find work because of my record” thinking. Many people with excellent records are rejected by the first dozen companies they interview with. Keep your focus on the next step forward. Review the tips above and consider if you need to make any changes in your approach. If you’re really discouraged, talk to your therapist or support-group peers.
Keep reminding yourself that you will find a job and you do have a successful future. Expecting the best is the first step in getting it!
Whether you’re researching for yourself or a loved one, Beach House can help. We understand that this is a serious time in your life and that the treatment center you choose matters. We want you to feel comfortable and empowered to make the right decision for yourself, a friend, or a family member. This is why a counselor is waiting and available to answer your questions and help put your mind at ease regarding the next steps. Many of the staff at Beach House have walked in your shoes. If you feel you’re ready or want more information about how to help a loved one, we can help today. You can also learn why we are voted the #1 rehab for addiction treatment in Florida.
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