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Beach House Rehab Center » Blog » How Long Does a High Last?
The trouble with using drugs to feel better “just this once” is that “once” rarely proves enough. Long before physical addiction takes hold, the temporary euphoria of a “high” becomes a siren song luring the user back to recapture that experience. And more often than not, time and pleasure of that high is inversely proportional to level of dependence on the drug.
Most people recovering from drug addiction remember their initial experience as pleasurable (although if the drug was smoked, that pleasure was often tainted by coughing and nausea). Typically, the ultimate journey into addiction can be blamed on that first dose being too pleasurable: someone started out fully intending drug use to be a one-time or occasional thing, but the memory of how good it felt to relieve their stress, forget their problems or feel on top of the world kept calling them back whenever life presented new pressures. Eventually the response became so automatic, and their brains so used to the drug, that they needed it not to feel “good” but to feel functional.
Compounding the problem, “good times” tend to be remembered as better than they actually were (memory screens out the negative aspects, which is a problem in avoiding relapse as well as in making the initial decision to quit a drug). Often, early experiences actually are better. Familiarity breeds contempt, and the brain learns to regard once-euphoric experiences as part of daily maintenance: once new enough to induce exceptional pleasure, now “everyday” enough that one feels uncomfortably normal when the drug is taken, uncomfortably deprived when it isn’t. (With real addiction, of course, the deprivation is often worse than uncomfortable.)
This article looks at some common “how long does it take?” questions regarding drugs and addiction.
How long it takes to feel the high typically depends on the method by which the drug is taken:
Exactly how long it takes any individual to start feeling high depends on both physical and psychological factors, from weight to gender to the reaction a person expects to have. (Scientific research has documented that people who expect a strong high will exhibit intoxication symptoms before the drug has a chance to reach their brains, and even after taking something that contains no actual drugs.)
Likewise, the duration of the high, once it starts, is affected by the method of drug use and by psychological factors, as well as by strength of dose, overall physical condition and the user’s level of addiction/tolerance.
The question of “how long does a high last?” is difficult to answer decisively: search five different information sources on the same drug, and you may find five different answers. That’s because, while medical tests can measure how long a drug physically stays in a person’s system, how long a high is felt depends on subjective interpretations of personal experience, which vary widely.
Still, the following can be taken as typical duration periods for the intoxicating effects of some common drugs:
Some people use drugs regularly for years without ever becoming dependent or addicted. Others are well on their way down the slippery slope within a month of their first taste.
Factors that affect how long it takes to become addicted include:
No matter how long someone has taken a drug, key red flags indicating growing dependence are:
The question of “how long does a drug stay in your system?” is open to almost as many answers as the question of how long a high lasts.
However, periodic cravings for the drug may return for months or even decades, especially if a person is prone to favorable reminiscing about “highs.” This is why:
In one sense, a “high” can last for life, if “high” is defined as physical addiction with inclinations to seek easy stress relief and to react to new doses in old ways. It is never safe to take “just one” dose of a drug that formerly drove an addiction, and often not safe to take any potentially addictive drug at all.
A therapist or doctor can advise you on your own risk areas and how to minimize exposure to them. Stay active in sobriety support groups. Plan in advance how you will deal with any relapse temptations that surface. The pull of the old-time high may never go away completely, but with commitment and diligence, you can find healthier ways to maximize good feelings for the rest of your life.
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Bartolone, Pauline (2017, November 30). “Rare and Mysterious Vomiting Illness Linked to Heavy Marijuana Use.” NPR, Morning Edition. Retrieved from
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Marrinan, S., A. Roman-Urrestarazu, D. Naughton, E. Levari, J. Collins, R. Chilcott, G. Bersani, and O. Corazza (2017, May). “Hair Analysis for the Detection of Drug Use: Is There Potential for Evasion?” Human Psychopharmacology, No. 32, p. 3. Retrieved from
Parker-Pope, Tara (2010, August 11). “Why Getting Old Means Drinking Less.” New York Times. Retrieved from
Samaha, Anne-Noel (2015, September 2). “Snorted, Injected or Smoked? It Can Affect a Drug’s Addictiveness.” Retrieved from (2014, July 10). “A Guide to Cocaine.” Retrieved from
University of Michigan Health System (2008, August 9). “If Your First Cigarette Gave You a Buzz and You Now Smoke, A Gene May Be to Blame.” ScienceDaily. Retrieved from
University of Utah, Genetic Science Learning Center. “Drug Delivery Methods.” Retrieved from
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (2017, May 16). “Facts About Aging and Alcohol.” National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Aging. Retrieved from
For related information on drug effects and addiction, see the following articles:
The Connection Between Alcohol and Anxiety
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