Beach House Takes Prominent Role in “Moments of Change” Conference
It’s not every day that a nationwide recovery community converges in your backyard and you get to be part of the action. That’s what happened October 2-5, when the “Moments of Change” behavioral health conference convened here in Palm Beach, Florida.
The event drew a wide and diverse group of participants from the addiction treatment and behavioral health fields, including therapists and clinicians, business representatives, members of law enforcement and other first responders, and people in recovery from addiction and other co-occurring disorders (CODs). They were there to learn about and discuss the latest research into interventions and innovations that effect positive core change in recovery from addiction and other mental disorders.
As one of a number of participating treatment providers from around the country, Beach House took a prominent role:
- Our very own Anna Ciulla (Vice President of Clinical and Medical Services) was one of the featured speakers. She shared about the science of love and connection (what she also referred to as “a holistic treatment approach”) as it relates to helping clients achieve better substance abuse treatment outcomes. You can check out a brief synopsis of Ciulla’s presentation and its key highlights below.
- A big contingent of our staff attended the event and took part in the conference’s various educational tracks. (These addressed topics ranging from recovery, such as trauma, co-occurring disorders (CODs) and process addiction, to best practices in business operations.)
- We also hosted a booth in the exhibit hall that featured our drug and alcohol treatment programs.
Business Development Manager JD Page helped to oversee the Beach House booth and organize our staff’s involvement in the conference: “It was really encouraging to see a spirit of collegiality and greater emphasis on best practices in treatment this year,” Page said.
Page represents Beach House as a member of a local coalition of treatment representatives who together are working to improve standards for addiction treatment in Palm Beach County and greater South Florida. He noted with appreciation that the coalition and its work were given “greater visibility,” thanks to the conference, which was “refreshing to see.”
The Moments of Change conference is open to anyone in the field of recovery, and is an annual offering of Foundations Events, the educational arm of Foundations Recovery Network.