Blog - Beach House Rehab Center
August 1, 2024

Changing Your Environment

A Change of Scenery: Change Your Environment for Addiction Treatment

Addiction is a disease perpetuated by a variety of factors, many of them environmental. It is nearly impossible to leave drugs and alcohol behind when you change nothing else about your lifestyle. By enrolling in a treatment center like Beach House, you can escape the pressures of your daily life and commit yourself wholly to recovery.

Stressors and Triggers

We believe that individuals must remove themselves from environmental stressors and triggers that distract from the healing process. At home, there are emotional and relationship triggers and stressors that can’t be temporarily silenced for the duration of one’s treatment – problems will not just go away because a person is trying to better themselves. There also may be toxic relationships influencing an individual, including:

  • Enablers
  • Drug dealers
  • Dysfunctional families
  • Friends who urge you to use

While at home, there are also stressors unrelated to one’s relationships with friends and family members. Those who suffer from addiction are often plagued by financial troubles and problems at work. Continuing to bear these burdens can negatively influence a person, hindering their ability to fully commit to recovery.